
Pedestrian Crossing Priority Programme – 2021/22 – 2022/23

Date of Meeting:

16 November 2021

Report of:

Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing

Contact Officer:


Tracy Beverley


01273 29 3813



Ward(s) affected:








1.1         Following a review by the Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee (ECSOSC) a robust pedestrian prioritisation procedure was produced to take into account concerns such as the fear of crossing roads and the perception of dangerous roads.


1.2         ECSOSC supported the pedestrian priority crossing methodology and this was later approved at 2011 Environment Cabinet Member Meeting. Assessments have been carried out since 2011 and funding allocated to make necessary improvements at priority locations.


1.3         Since the introduction of the methodology in 2011, 45 of the priority crossing locations identified have been improved through either Local Transport Plan (LTP), Safer Route to Schools funding or other external funding sources such as Local Sustainable Transport Fund & Better Bus Area. The full list can be seen in appendix 2, Table B.


1.4         This report presents the findings of the pedestrian crossing assessments of locations requested up to 30 June 2021 and identifies priority crossing points to be delivered over the next 2 years, subject to the availability of funds.


1.5         The ‘type’ of crossing facility proposed is considered on a case-by-case basis by Highway Engineers. Often the most appropriate and cost-effective solution for locations can be pedestrian refuges or buildouts. Where larger scale facilities which are likely to exceed available budgets are required, such as full junction redesigns, schemes may be delayed until funding can be made available.


2.         RECOMMENDATIONS:    


2.1         That the Environment Transport & Sustainability Committee approves the Pedestrian Crossing Priority List 21/22


2.2         That the Environment Transport & Sustainability Committee authorises officers to progress schemes at priority locations where funding has been identified within the financial years 2021/22 and 2022/23.




3.1         Requests for new pedestrian crossings are received regularly from members of the public and local Ward Members.  Subject to the availability of funding, potential crossing locations were previously prioritised based on the number of pedestrian accidents in the immediate vicinity.  At the Environment & Community Safety Overview Scrutiny Committee (ECSOSC) meeting on 21st July 2010, Members requested a review of this process.  It was felt that the existing methodology did not consider the social issues associated with a lack of safe crossing points, nor did it consider the perceived danger of crossing the road.


3.2         Following the initial 21st July 2010 ECSOSC meeting officers undertook an investigation of pedestrian crossing assessment procedures used by other authorities in the South East region and proposed a point scoring system to enable a more wide-ranging assessment to take place, taking into account the social factors in addition to collision history. Following this investigation, a new robust pedestrian crossing methodology was proposed to assess crossing requests. This improved new methodology considers a range of important social factors which effect pedestrian movement such as public perception of danger, the impact of crossings on community cohesion, access to key services and green space and improvements for mobility impaired people.


3.3         In publishing the results of the crossing assessments on an annual basis the new methodology enables a more transparent approach to assessing pedestrian crossings and a more proactive approach to responding to requests from Ward Members and the public.


3.4         At its meeting of 25th January 2011, ECSOSC resolved to welcome the new methodology, and this was approved at the 26th May 2011 Cabinet Member Meeting.  At this meeting approval was granted to apply the new methodology to crossing requests received up until May 2013 and funding was allocated to install those crossings identified as a priority.


The Assessment Process


3.5         The approved methodology as set out in appendix 1 for pedestrian crossing requests considers 14 different categories including pedestrian collisions, access to services, pedestrian movements and vehicle counts at each location. 


3.6         Each crossing request was subject to a pre-qualification assessment as set out in appendix 1. Those crossing points with a recorded pedestrian casualty in the last 3 years within 50 metres of the request location, and / or where a sample one hour vehicle and pedestrian count at peak time exceeded the threshold, were then subject to a full assessment.


3.7         Between 2016 and 2021, 67 new crossing location requests have been received. Where these pedestrian crossing request locations meet the criteria they have been added to Pedestrian Priority List 2021/22, those that have not met the criteria have been listed, see appendix 2




4.1         Out of the 67 requested crossing points, 36 locations did not meet the pre-qualification criteria and do not appear on the priority list, these are included in table D, appendix 2.  Of the 67 requested locations 5 crossing locations have been identified for implementation through alternative funding streams.


4.2         Out of the 67 requested crossings the remaining 13 crossing requests were subject to a full assessment and have been ranked in priority order and included in the Pedestrian Priority List 21/22 appendix 2, Table A.


4.3         Table 1 below lists the top 10 priority pedestrian crossing points. For each crossing point proposed actions have been listed along with funding sources. These top 10 will be prioritised for funding but this does not automatically qualify a particular location for implementation.  For example, the cost of a crossing facility at a particular location may be prohibitive or upon closer investigation it may become apparent that suitable pedestrian provision already exists in a particular location and therefore further investment would not represent good value for money.


4.4         At crossing points where actions are proposed this is subject to further design work, associated Traffic Regulation Orders and Road Safety Assessments.  The type of crossing facility proposed is considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with Department for Transport guidance and determined by the existing road network, pedestrian and vehicle volumes and funding availability.


4.5         Crossing location number 2, 7 & 10 are all priorities and will be designed and delivered as part of a corridor treatment scheme.  These include Goldstone Villas / Clarendon Villas / Eaton Villas, Goldstone Villas / Station Approach and Denmark Villas, Opposite Tesco's.


4.6         The assessment of new requests will continue to be carried out annually, and a new priority list established accordingly. Where urgent work is identified the amended priority list will be proposed for approval at the relevant Committee Meeting.  Identified priority crossing points will then be implemented within that financial year, subject to funding.



Crossing Location



Funding Source

Planned delivery year


London Road / The Deneway


Being considered as part of ATF T2 – A23 scheme due to be implemented in Summer 2022

DfT – Active Travel Fund



Goldstone Villas / Clarendon Villas / Eaton Villas *


Commence design work as part of corridor treatment to include crossing priority numbers 2, 7 & 10 design delivered 22/23.




A293 Roundabout (South Arm)


Design work commenced under Safer Routes to School project

Section 106



Upper Hollingdean Road (near Hollingbury Pub)


Progress design and deliver possible side road treatment and improve crossing




Hangleton Road / Old Shoreham Road (North)


Requires full junction rework as part of possible corridor treatment work currently outside of the scope of this programme


To be considered as part of future funding schemes


Old Shoreham Road - Lullington Avenue / Weald Avenue


Design and deliver upgrades to provide pedestrian refuge




Goldstone Villas / Station Approach *


Commence design work as part of corridor treatment to include crossing priority numbers 2, 7 & 10 design delivered 22/23.




Upper Rock Gardens / St James Street (North Arm)


Signal Crossing upgrade planned March 2022

Signal Maintenance & LTP Intelligent/ Smart Transport Systems



A259 below Roedean school


Design and deliver improve crossing facilities




Denmark Villas Opposite Tesco *


Commence design work as part of corridor treatment to include crossing priority numbers 2, 7 & 10 design delivered 22/23.








5.1         The proposed assessment methodology has been considered and approved by Members of ECSOSC and furthermore has been approved at the Cabinet Member Meeting on the 26th May 2001.


5.2         Works Notifications will be distributed at each location once feasibility and design work is completed, prior to implementation. In locations where Traffic Regulation Orders are required these will be advertised accordingly.


5.3         Where larger scale improvements are required officers will use the Community Engagement Framework to determine required levels of consultation on an individual scheme by scheme basis.

6.         CONCLUSION


6.1         The adopted pedestrian crossing methodology was applied to crossing requests previously received and the list of priorities has now been identified. The report recommends that the Pedestrian Priority List 21/22 is approved and seeks permission to progress the top 10 priority areas as listed in Table 1, Section 4.





Financial Implications:


There are no direct financial implications from the recommendations of this report. Where urgent work is identified, approval for capital funding will be sought from the relevant committee. Costs associated with progressing of schemes where funding has been identified will be maintained within existing budgets and any significant variation to budget will be reported as part of the council's monthly budget monitoring process.


            Finance Officer Consulted:     John Lack                                      Date: 03/11/21


Legal Implications:


7.1         There are no direct legal implications arising from the report, save, as identified in the report, that statutory Traffic Regulation Orders may be required for the implementation of certain crossings.


            Lawyer Consulted:                   Name Hilary Woodward              Date: 22/10/2021


            Equalities Implications:


7.2         An equalities impact assessment will be carried out for the pedestrian crossings programme of works.


            Sustainability Implications:


7.3         Improving the pedestrian environment and removing some of the barriers for pedestrians we will increase the number of people choosing to walk.  Walking is the most sustainable form of all transport modes as it produces zero emissions. These pedestrian crossing facilities will not only help to contribute to the Councils targets on climate change but it will help the council meet its comment to a net zero carbon city by 2030.


Brexit Implications:


7.4         No direct implications identified


            Crime & Disorder Implications:


7.5       No implications identified.

            Risk and Opportunity Management Implications:


7.6       No implications  


            Public Health Implications:


7.7       By improving the walking environment we are encouraging more people to walk more often. Public Health England have recognised that daily walking can not only increase physical fitness but improve mood, quality of life lead to weight loss and reduce the risk of early death. 


            Corporate / Citywide Implications:


7.8       The implementation of these improvements will contribute to a number of the Councils Plan outcomes including supporting the economy and helping residents to live healthier lives. It will also support the outcome to be ‘a sustainable city’ by prompting sustainable transport and active travel.







1. Pedestrian Crossing Priority Methodology


2. Full Pedestrian Priority List 21/22, and associated tables.



Background Documents


1.            None